miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Post 1: My Autobiography

Hello everyone, this is my first post evaluated so I'm going to talk about myself.
I'm 17 and I was born at the Hospital San Juan de Dios, Santiago at 7pm, until 2015 I was an only child, but in that year my sister was born, now she's going to 1st grade. My mom has always been with me just like my grandmother. Pelusa is my pet since 2010 it's black, small and she is looking around everytime, my other pet is Leon which arrived home in 2016, it's  a mixture of a little brown with black, medium size and very very playful.
I did my elementary school at Colegio Nuestra Sra de Andacollo till 2nd grade, then I finished the elementary and high school at Colegio San Buenaventura in Chillán. Now I'm at University of Chile studying Chemistry and Pharmacy but I still live in Chillan till the quarantine finishes
I like watching Netflix series and movies, playing with my pets, doing exercise sometimes and playing blasketball although I'm 5'4 ft, also I have started practicing juggling and I'm geting used to read long texts.

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